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Writer: Abdoulaye Doumouya

Abdoulaye Doumbouya is a Guinean Immigrant living in New York, He was born in Ivory Coast and at the age of five, he moved to Guinea, where he later earned a Master's degree in Biochemistry from University of Conakry in 2008. He then dedicated nearly a decade to researching infectious and parasitic diseases as a biologist at the Mafèrinyah Training and Research Center in Guinea. A testament to his impact, he co-authored eight scientific publications, a body of work that underscores his contributions to the scientific community (accessible at He also completed an internship at the CDC in Atlanta on the detection of the Malaria parasite using molecular biology methods in 2016. And in late 2018, Abdoulaye moved to the New York with hopes of advancing his research career. However, he found a different plan
within the vibrant city of New York, where he discovered a new passion— writing. 

Writer: Mariam Kande

Mariam Kande is also Guinean Immigrant residing in New York. bgajsbzvsa/kvb’oasbvz’s’zbn .kbjknx, bs;zc{AKLBZB?JVJAB”Vzb jkSBJV?BS:UBjkbs’ihvkjbs,bszb/vjbw’oisz.s’ogvwna

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